Since October 7th, the world has been littered with horrific images from the attack by the terrorist group, Hamas on unsuspecting Israelis. The pushback from Israel has been strident and expanding. In the middle are five million Palestinians who have seen destruction of their homes as the Israeli military pursued Hamas. While the violence is half a world away from Canada, there has been a huge uptick in violence and antisemitism here at home. 

Our Unpublished Vote question asks: 

Do you feel police in Canada are addressing the violence and antisemitism professionally? 


You can cast your vote on this topic at Check out the supporting articles and then email your MP afterwards, using our tool, to them why you think what you do. 

All comments on the website will be entered into a draw for a one-year membership. You can log on and vote right now at and have your voice heard. 


Warren Kinsella: Political commentator, author, and former special advisor to PM Jean ChretienJoe Adam George: Research analyst specializing in Middle East and South Asia Affairs. Macdonald Laurier Institute contributor.Richard Robinson: Director of Research and Advocacy at B’Nai Brith, Canada