It appears the money train has rolled out of each party’s campaign platform. In the pursuit of your vote, all parties are willing to spend to get your support at the ballot box. Which one do you feel will help the most? 

Less than three weeks before we go to the polls, we’re getting a clearer look at how each party plans to get the economy rolling again. To get a better perspective on whether any will actually help the economy, we’ll talk to a number of experts. 

Coming up later on the show, Jasmin Guenette of The Canadian Federation of Independent Business will join us. First up is Mark Agnew, Sr. VP of Policy & Government Relations at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Ian Lee from the Sprott School of Business at Carleton University will also join us.

Our question this week asks:  

Which party do you feel has the best plan to get the economy back on track? 

LiberalsConservativesNDPGreen Party People’s Party of Canada 

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