PUBLISHED: 05/07/2020

The race continues for the Globe in the search for a reliable vaccine for COVID-19. Considering the vast impact on the economies around the world, when one is developed, should it be mandatory to get it?

Researchers around the world are frantically working to find a vaccine for our current pandemic and while our Facebook feeds are full of stories of small breakthroughs in the quest for a vaccine. Most health experts put the possibility at a vaccine 12 to 18 months away. While we wait for the much anticipated vaccine, a new survey by Leger and the Association of Canadian Studies finds a split in support for making the inoculation mandatory.

We’d like to hear from our viewers first-hand. When a Covid 19 vaccine is developed to be safe and reliable, should it be mandatory to get the shot considering the impact on the economy? Cast your vote, at Unpublished.Vote today!



Christian Bourque - Executive Vice President and Senior Partner at Leger
