Glasgow Scotland is the host city for COP26, also known as the United Nations Climate Change Conference. The event brings leaders, from around the world together to discuss the impact of climate change and extreme weather, with an aim to finding solutions. 

In 2015, consensus was reached to keep global warming below 2 degrees with an aim at 1.5 to avoid a climate emergency. Canada is represented at COP26 with a number of promises made. Will they make a difference? 

More than 200 countries are in attendance at the Conference. Prime Minister Trudeau has made some ambitious promises at COP26 which will have a financial impact here at home. A hard cap on emissions for the oil and gas industry was announced along with encouragement for other countries to follow Canada’s lead on pricing carbon. And, International aid from Canada is earmarked for poorer countries to meet their pollution targets. 

Our question asks: 

Will Canada’s pledges at COP26 make a difference in climate change? 


You can log on and vote right now at Have your voice heard. 


Angela Keller-Herzog, Executive Director—Community Associations for Environmental SustainabilityDan McTeague, President of the Canadians for Affordable EnergyDouglas Auld, Professor in the Department of Economics and Finance, University of Guelph