The day is drawing near for the federal Conservative Party to choose a new leader. September 10th in Ottawa delegates will gather to cast their ballot for the person to lead them into the next federal election, whenever that may be. 

Pierre Poilievre has led from the beginning and shows no sign of easing up. Jean Charest is a distant second in the race leaving Leslyn Lewis, Scott Aitcheson and Roman Baber in the dust. Former Ontario PC leader, Patrick Brown was turfed from the contest over the summer for what the party called initially, “improper corporate donations”, which then became “suspicious memberships”. That move has drawn legal action from Brown. 

The Party has been unable to knock Prime Minister Trudeau out of office three times despite ample opportunity to make their case with the electorate. In our last show before the Summer, we asked you which candidate would win the Conservative Crown and Pierre Poilievre was overwhelmingly the favourite. 

Our Unpublished Vote question today asks: 

Can a Pierre Poilievre led Conservative Party win the next federal election? 

Yes NoUnsure

You can log on and vote right now at our new portal for political discussion and debate,, and have your voice heard. 


Lori Turnbull Director School of Public Administration Dalhousie University Mario Canseco, President of Research Co. Warren Kinsella, Political commentator, and former advisor Prime Minister Jean Chretien