It’s astonishing how quickly one person’s idea can become the belief system of an entire community.

In this week's episode, Professor Michael Drane explores the psychology of Mob Mentality within the context of the riot at the Capitol. Mob Mentality usually makes headlines during the holidays--that is, unfortunately, a familiar sight. However, the events that took place last Wednesday are unprecedented. You may be asking yourself "Why did this happen?" or "How could this happen?"

Listen in as he explores the differences between Group Think and Mob Mentality, the 6 Key Symptoms of Group Think, as well as the ideological and spiritual belief systems associated with Herd-Mentality. 

Stay safe out there friends, and we hope you enjoy the show. 

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Unpopular Culture Podcast is a Forensic Psychology podcast created and hosted by Professor & Psychotherapist Michael Drane. Working with a team of professionals, he seeks to shine a light into the broken underbelly of society.

Listen as he explores subjects like:

True Crime: Serial Killers, Murders, Stalkers, Cults, Forensic Analysis

Psychology: Mental Illness, Personality Disorders, Social Phenomenon, Mob Mentality, Psychosis

Culture: Sexuality, Satanic Panic, Relationships, TV Analysis, Movie Analysis, Character Analysis

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