This is Part 7 of the free 7-day audio and email course Start Your First Business.


What You Will Learn In This Episode Why money is not a long-term motivator for many people. What happens to us emotionally when the lust / newlywed phase is over in your business. How the customers you serve will determine whether this is a job or a calling. How to identify your "soulmate business." When is the right time to make a pivot in your business and why I'm excited about the pivot I'm making.


Next Steps

The next step you need to take is to complete the homework assignment for Module 7 in the follow-along email course.

Click here to request access to the course materials and homework.



If you struggle with anxiety in your career, your business or in life, I can help. I've learn how to silence the inner voice that tells me I'm no good and channel my inner champion.

Click here to learn how to deal with the anxiety that is troubling your career, your business and your personal life.