James Matthews is an incredible guy, he has been cycling around the United States in an effort to bring awareness to the opioid epidemic and also, to let people know the recovery success is possible.

So far he has totaled over 7,600 miles on his bicycle and is planning an impressive ride from Key Largo, Florida to Seattle, Washington as a memorial to those who have lost their lives to overdose and substance abuse related suicide.

During our fascinating conversation, James shares his story of growing up in Philadelphia, MA in a dysfunctional family, and how that affected his outlook on life. The instability and inconsistencies of the situation eventually lead him to believe running away was his best options. And as a young teenager, he found himself on the streets, where he says it was actually more comfortable than at home.

This life wasn't easy though, and he found himself a "frequent-flyer" of detention centers, the life eventually landing him in a boot camp where he found a place that resonated, a place where he could excel.

James talks about how he stumbled upon the idea for his first "Ride for Recovery". This first ride from Florida to Los Angeles was totally spontaneous, and an instant success in bringing awareness to the addiction crisis.

His generosity and desire to help the addiction community is inspiring and his humbleness is refreshing. Discover how he does these tremendous rides, that it comes down to mental preparation and toughness more than anything.

James shares some highlights and unbelievable low points along his rides, including near-death experiences.

Why does he do it? What's his ultimate goal?

Listen in and find out!

How to Connect with James:

web: http://sobersavagerecovery.com/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sobersavage
Instagram: https://instagram.com/sober_savage

More info - http://unpauseyourlife.com

Sponsored by:
The Addictions Academy - The Nation’s Leading Accredited Addiction Coaching & Intervention Training: https://theaddictionsacademy.com/

Music courtesy of Crowfly - http://crowflyrocks.com/

Unpause Your Life with Dr. Cali Estes