Empowering men and being a role model
Ivan begins by summarizing his specialty niche role, and specifically how he works to help men identify any expectations or programming that has impacted their lives in negative ways.

Listen in to hear Ivan’s intriguing history: how his relationship with his father, life in the military, and his own divorce led him to the year of introspection that changed the course of his life, and become inspired to help other men connect and find a source of support.

Men supporting men
Hear Ivan’s theory on why men may find it challenging to openly support one another, and why he’s working to tear down the wall and let them know that it’s okay to admit that they are having a hard time, facing depression, or questioning the direction of their life.

Ivan talks about how he wants to reverse this tough mindset so that men can feel empowered by sharing these challenges, rather than emasculated.

Man as the provider
Here, Ivan discusses the pressure and expectations placed on males to be the main provider and caregiver, and how media, movies, and sports all urge men to be winners.

Questioning that status quo, Ivan brings up the fact that many women out-earn their husbands, and that the “man as provider” role no longer has to be the norm.

You will hear about Ivan’s changing family status, and how he came to see his father in a different light for taking a back seat to his wife’s successful career.

Ivan also talks about the reason some men struggle with gender reversal roles.

Low self-esteem and the link to self-destructive behaviors
Tune in to hear Ivan explain the cyclic behaviors of substance abuse and how these self-destructive behaviors are connected with a lack of self-worth and pride.

Mid-life understanding
Reframing the concept of a mid-life crisis to a mid-life understanding or awakening, Ivan dives into the most common theme for his mid-40’s clientele - who reach a certain point in life and start to question if the path they have been on still feels authentic and worthwhile.

Find out how to deal with this phase of your life, and move on to finding a more fulfilling experience, as Ivan shares his tips on keeping a relationship alive, discovering your purpose, and motivating others with your unique take on life.

Take a chance on yourself
Learn about the importance of assessing who you really are; what your core values and belief systems are, and exactly HOW to pinpoint those things in your life that you are truly interested in and passionate about. Ivan talks about the importance of stepping back from the autopilot life you’ve been living and finding a more purposeful path.

Ivan F. Hunt is a Certified Professional Relationship Coach and Energy Leadership Index who specializes in coaching men on important topics such as living up to social expectations.

Using his training from the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), he follows a proven process in helping men to question their expectations and create a new reality for themselves.

Ivan volunteers with an at-risk program for male youth called the 5000 Role Models of Excellence for the Miami-Dade County School System. He also volunteers with the Veterans Treatment court in Miami, having suffered from a disability as a result of his service with the US Army.

With over a decade of experience in healthcare financial management, analytics and accounting, he also has certifications in Executive Management, along with a BBA in Accounting.

Married to his best friend, Ivan has four beautiful children. Having battled with and overcome addiction, abuse, and mood disorders, Ivan’s personal motto is, “a life with no options, is not life at all.”

Links and how to contact Ivan F. Hunt
Website: http://www.IFHCouplesCoach.com
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @Ivan_the_Man_Lifecoach
Facebook: @IFHSS30
Podcast: Keep It Moving

More info - http://unpauseyourlife.com

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