Previous Episode: 404: Union Not Found
Next Episode: 406: Dominic Goings

News heavyweights Tom & Rob call the US presidential election live on air…


- [0:00] Intro

- [2:02] Where It Started

- [10:18] What Did Trump Do Right?

- [14:04] The Election Is Called, LIVE!

- [21:34] The Election Rollercoaster

- [29:45] Where Did Trump Go Wrong?

- [50:15] Were The Polls Wrong?

- [1:00:04] Lame Ducks

- [1:05:43] Trumping Tradition

- [1:12:08] Outro

- [1:14:27] Ad: Hat Of Many Things


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- Left, Right & Center: We’ll see what happens

- How America Voted in 5 Charts

- Twitter: AP Calls it

- ANN Github Page

- Twitter: New York Sound

- BBC: Donald Trump’s Speech Fact-Checked

- Twitter: Trump’s last tweet before the vote was called

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- Recording engineer: Ennuicastr

- Theme song: Handel's Water Music (Public Domain under CC0 1.0) with Big Ben Chimes (By hyderpotter under CC0 1.0).

- Main Image: Joe Biden by Gage Skidmore under CC by SA 2.0

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