Rob and Tom discuss the rise and fall of Britain’s Prime Minister, Theresa May. They also discuss who will be likely to replace her, the archaic Conservative leadership contest and the state of the polls.


- Theresa May’s history

- Theresa May’s downfall

- Conservative leadership race

- Quick Polls Update


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- Wikipedia: The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman

- BBC: Prime minister Theresa May's statement in full

- Chrome Store: Liam Foxinator

- Statement from the new Prime Minister Theresa May

- The Spectator: Full text: Theresa May’s conference speech

- Britain Elects: Tory Polling

- BBC: Who will be the next prime minister?

- YouTube: Boris Johnson gets stuck on a zip wire (long version)

- The Secret Barrister: Liz Truss is unfit for office and should resign

- Britain Elects: Westminster Voting Intention

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- Recording engineer: Craig

- Theme song: Handel's Water Music (Public Domain under CC0 1.0) with Big Ben Chimes (By hyderpotter under CC0 1.0).

- Main Image: Theresa May - Caricature by DonkeyHotey under CC by 2.0

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