Rob and Tom discuss the breakaway Labour and Conservative MPs forming the Independent Group and how this might be a move towards the centre ground amidst the chaos of Brexit.


- Headlines

- The Independent Group

- Quick Polls Update


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- Tomorrow’s Newspapers Today

- Positive News

- The Independent Group: Statement

- BBC: Who are the MPs resigning to join the Independent Group?

- You Gov: 14% would vote for The Independent Group

- Guardian: Why binary politics leaves Britain all at sea

- Britain Elects: Westminster Voting Intention

- Twitter: Westminster Voting Intention with IG

- Twitter: How did people who say they'd vote for 'Independent Group' vote in 2017?

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- Recording engineer: Craig

- Theme song: Handel's Water Music (Public Domain under CC0 1.0) with Big Ben Chimes (By hyderpotter under CC0 1.0).

- Main Image: The Independent Group

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