Hi everyone and welcome to our half century, Episode 50.

On the show we bring you the latest news and then Darren tells us all about his experience of the opening night of Universal Orlando's Mardi Gras 2013.

Darren attended the media event and will share his thoughts and he also brings us interviews with Show Director, Lora Wallace and Chef, Steven Jayson.

Join in the discussion on the MICECHAT.COM forums. 

Don't forget to check out Jeff Heimbuch's book, It's a Kind of Cute Story.

You can get hold of it on AMAZON and at BAMBOO FOREST PUBLISHING.

Also take a look at Derek's Article over on ORLANDOINFORMER.

You can watch our live stream of the mardi gras parade at ustream.com

You can head over to UNIVERSALORLANDO.COM to find out all about Mardi Gras.

 [email protected]




Until next time.....

Live The Adventure.

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