Episode 9 of the Unnecessary Nonsense Podcast has Carlos and Dave talking Week 6 in the Alliance of American Football (AAF) while looking forward to Week 7 (3:12), Johnny Manziel signing with league and potentially starting with the Memphis Express (12:04), Mike Trout winning the Angels Powerball lottery (23:34), Ichiro’s last games and retirement (37:15), some thoughts on the NCAA tournament thus far (41:38) as well as another exciting edition of Dave’s Pretentious Cross Country Running (Soccer) report (46:01). Lastly in the main topic they’ll discuss some thoughts on the pending matchups for the NHL playoffs and look at some of the prospects for the teams based on where they would be playing as of today. (50:49)

All this and we finally discover what little it would take for the Montreal Canadiens to win back Dave’s loyalty and have him disown PK Subban.

Links mentioned in the podcast:

NHL Playoff Breakdown

News and Notes:

It has finally happened (Manziel signs with AAF):
Mike Trout’s contract extension analyzed:
The absurdity of offside law in pretentious cross country running - will this change the game?