Next Episode: Salsneyland

The DM has sent us on a full-on literary adventure which resulted in us gaining too much power and a summonable giant whale. So grab your sailors cap and join the party as we do karate in a book place, tap into a different market, live out our worst fear, receive a boba baptism, ask too many questions, find our supportive shopping buddies, put a stranger in our will, chat with the humpty dumpty kid, summon Dick, briefly exhibit book knowledge, join the cool kids on the playground, show sturdiness over wordiness, order the Alton combo, bring only half the facts, put a body on trial, celebrate badass women, get buried by phones, chose the hungry boy, bring floaties to the library, show excellent problem-solving skills, and anger the DM with our refusal to solve the puzzle.


Join in on the adventure by sending your quests to [email protected]


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