Regina, Carl, Megan and Eve discuss the many highlights of The Mandalorian
, Chapter 5, Gunslinger.

Unmistakably Star Wars is a proud member of the Star Wars Escape Pods
Network, and is dedicated to promoting positivity in fandom.

Regina, Carl, Megan and Eve discuss the many highlights of The Mandalorian, Chapter 5, Gunslinger.

Unmistakably Star Wars is a proud member of the Star Wars Escape Pods Network, and is dedicated to promoting positivity in fandom.

Special thanks to our Patrons!

David Anderson, Brandon Boylan, Jim Capron, Derek DeVerney, Dave Hackerson, Michelle Grondine, Chris Leddy, Neil Lowery, Kyle Roussel, Regina Sanders, Aaron Sinner, Clinton Skip Skipton, Christa Smolenski, Franklin Taylor, Rik Villanueva, Michael Ward and Amy Wishman.

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