On this weeks show, Barb, Carl, Devin and Eve sit down and chat the latest in Star Wars news and announcements! From word that Episode IX “will melt your mind,” and more back story on Holdo via a new comic, to details about the moral ambiguity of a featured character from the upcoming Mandalorian show, it was a good news week! Our closer look tackles a recent article that poses the argument of whether or not Disney Star Wars is the BEST Star Wars. And wowza, did we have a lot to say! Join us…

On this weeks show, Barb, Carl, Devin and Eve sit down and chat the latest in Star Wars news and announcements! From word that Episode IX “will melt your mind,” and more back story on Holdo via a new comic, to details about the moral ambiguity of a featured character from the upcoming Mandalorian show, it was a good news week! Our closer look tackles a recent article that poses the argument of whether or not Disney Star Wars is the BEST Star Wars. And wowza, did we have a lot to say! Join us…

News Stories For the Week:

Cantina Talk: The End of Rise of Skywalker Will Melt your Mind

Star Wars Reveals the Origin of Admiral Holdo's Big Last Jedi Move

New Details On Giancarlo Esposito’s Role In The Mandalorian

Closer Look: Why Disney Star Wars Is the Best Star Wars

10 Reasons Why Disney’s Star Wars is Better Than The George Lucas Works (And 10 Why The OG Films Can't Be Beat)

Special thanks to our Patrons!

Brandon Boylan, Jim Capron, Derek DeVerney, Dave Hackerson, Michelle Grondine, Matthew Keegan, Chris Leddy, Steve Long, Neil Lowery, Mario Piper, Kyle Roussel, Regina Sanders, Connie Shih, Aaron Sinner, Clinton Skip Skipton, Christa Smolenski, Franklin Taylor, Rik Villanueva, Michael Ward and Amy Wishman.

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