On this weeks episode, Beks, Devin, Eve and Jeremy chat the latest and
greatest in Star Wars. From the now-kaput Boba Fett movie to a recent
interview with Adam Driver and more, some opinions on these topics might
actually surprise you (and some may not)! For our closer look segment, the
team takes a deeper dive into which character under the Disney umbrella is
greatest to each one of us, respectively. You don’t want to miss our
choices; be sure to let us know your thoughts on which character is YOUR
favorite below!

On this weeks episode, Beks, Devin, Eve and Jeremy chat the latest and greatest in Star Wars. From the now-kaput Boba Fett movie to a recent interview with Adam Driver and more, some opinions on these topics might actually surprise you (and some may not)! For our closer look segment, the team takes a deeper dive into which character under the Disney umbrella is greatest to each one of us, respectively. You don’t want to miss our choices; be sure to let us know your thoughts on which character is YOUR favorite below!

News Stories For the Week:

Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy confirms Boba Fett film is DEAD (Link)

Adam Driver Talks Briefly and Cryptically About Star Wars and Kylo Ren In An Interview With ‘Vulture.’ (Link)

What We Know About the Rise and Fall of Star Wars' New Republic (Link)

Closer Look: Who Is the Greatest Star Wars Character Created In the Disney Era?

What do you look for in a character? What makes a character “great”?

In your opinion (before you unveil who you believe to be the greatest SW character in the Disney era) give me some of your overall favs from the “good” and “bad” guys...

Who is it? Why?

What could a character not yet unveiled do to topple your current pick? What traits would they have?

Who’s the worst? Why?

Special thanks to our Patrons!

Brandon Boylan, Jim Capron, Derek DeVerney, Dave Hackerson, Michelle Grondine, Jeff Kelts, Neil Lowery, Mario Piper, William Pollock, Kyle Roussel, Regina Sanders, Connie Shih, Aaron Sinner, Christa Smolenski, Franklin Taylor, Brad Tracy, Michael Ward, Amy Wishman...and, of course, our mystery donor...for you...it’s another “I love C3PO moment!”

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