On this week’s episode, Amy, Ashley, Barb and Devin cover all the latest
and greatest in the Star Wars news! From the brand new behind the scenes
Empire Strikes Back documentary to whether or not the Mandalorian is
critical to the future of Star Wars and…was Solo the movie everyone slept
on(?!), the team covers it! Our closer look topic this week is all about
what we each think is or might be the single greatest theme in Star Wars,
other than hope. Don’t miss it!

On this weeks episode, Amy, Ashley, Barb and Devin cover all the latest and greatest in the Star Wars news! From the brand new behind the scenes Empire Strikes Back documentary to whether or not the Mandalorian is critical to the future of Star Wars and…was Solo the movie everyone slept on(?!), the team covers it! Our closer look topic this week is all about what we each think is or might be the single greatest theme in Star Wars, other than hope. Don’t miss it!

News Stories For the Week:

Solo: A Star Wars Story Set To Hold Firm At Number 1 For A Fourth Week (Link)

Lost The Empire Strikes Back Documentary Surfaces On Youtube (Link)

Star Wars: The Mandalorian and the Circling of the Wagons! (Link)

A New Report Claims Disney Is Banking On ‘The Mandalorian’ To Save “Star Wars” (Link)

Closer Look: What is the single greatest theme portrayed in Star Wars...other than ‘hope’?

Would Star Wars be as powerful as it is without ‘hope’?

Before we ID the greatest theme, let’s take a look at some of our favorites…

What are your Top 2-3 themes in Star Wars, that are not ‘hope’ (in no particular order)?

Why do these themes resonate with you so much?

How have you seen these play out in your real life?

What’s the single greatest theme, other than hope?

Special thanks to our Patrons!

Brandon Boylan, Jim Capron, Derek DeVerney, Dave Hackerson, Michelle Grondine, Jeff Kelts, Neil Lowery, Mario Piper, William Pollock, Kyle Roussel, Regina Sanders, Connie Shih, Aaron Sinner, Christa Smolenski, Franklin Taylor, Brad Tracy, Michael Ward, Amy Wishman...and, of course, our mystery donor...for you...it’s another “I love C3PO moment!”

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