On this week's episode, Barb, Carl, Devin and Eve complete the series on
whether or not Star Wars has reached a breaking point and what that may
mean for fandom and future films.

On this week's episode, Barb, Carl, Devin and Eve complete the series on whether or not Star Wars has reached a breaking point and what that may mean for fandom and future films. We dive into what extent – if any – fandom has or should have on the direction of Star Wars films and content. Reminder, this is part III of III, so if you've missed parts ONE and TWO, be sure to catch up! 

News Stories For the Week: 

‘Star Wars’ Spinoff Films on Obi-Wan and Boba Fett Put on Hold Following Bad ‘Solo’ Box Office — Report (Link

Lucasfilm Fires Back At 'Inaccurate' Report That Standalone Star Wars Spinoffs Have Been Put On Hold (Link)

Closer Look: Has Star Wars Reached Its Breaking Point? 

'Last Jedi' director begs angry fanboys to remake movie: 'Please please please' (Link)

‘Remake The Last Jedi’ is the problem with ‘Remake The Last Jedi’ (Link)

Question Club: Where should Star Wars go after Solo’s box office disappointment? (Link)

Special thanks to our Patrons!

Brandon Boylan, Jim Capron, Derek DeVerney, Dave Hackerson, Michelle Grondine, Jeff Kelts, Neil Lowery, Mario Piper, William Pollock, Regina Sanders, Connie Shih, Aaron Sinner, Christa Smolenski, Franklin Taylor, Brad Tracy, Michael Ward, Amy Wishman...and, of course, our mystery donor...for you...it’s another “I love C3PO moment!”

Congratulations to Michael Ward for winning the Patron Giveaway audiobook of the month: Most Wanted! To find out how you can win future Patreon-exclusive giveaways/contests, visit our page for more info!