It's January 2023 and my podcast, Unlocking Landscapes, is 2 years old! Thanks to everyone who has contributed and supported so far.

I do this podcast at my own costs so if you want to support it (it costs a basic £100 annually to host my Podbean account) you can 'buy me a coffee/camomile' here:

I haven't posted for a while, mainly for professional and technical reasons. The biggest issue is that I needed to upgrade my ailing desktop PC, which I have now done. It's in much better shape now, so no more IT excuses but hopefully more podcasts.

In September I spent a week in Mayo in Ireland and recorded two podcasts. One is an early evening walk in the Ox Mountains, encountering rickety gates and performing ravens. The second one (still to come) is a walk with Seán Lysaght, which I can't wait to share with you. I've been a big fan of Seán's writing for over a decade, so it was a massive honour to spend an afternoon walking with him. More on that one soon!

In the Ox Mountains I go for a walk, describing the surrounding landscape, capturing two ravens (acoustically) as they fly close by from where the breed in the hills. I also talk a bit about issues with cottages which aren't connected to mains water, amongst many other things.

Here are the reference points:

The Ox Mountains

Mayo Dark Skies Park

The Irish famine

Irish History Podcast

American mink

Fires in Mayo



Ash dieback disease

Sphagnum moss

Croagh Patrick

Thanks for listening!