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Hasan Rafiq has worked as a senior Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) leader at some of the world's largest companies, including EY (Ernst and Young) and Facebook.

Join Hasan and Marco as they explore how to create a culture of belonging in organizations both large and small.

Currently, Hasan Rafiq is the Vice President of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging of Newsela, where he drives the company's strategies for the integration of diverse perspectives and experiences into the building of an inclusive culture, and development of equitable policies.

In this episode you will learn:
- How to build a listening organization where people feel seen, heard, and valued.
- How to be a culturally agile leader and build a global DEIB strategy for your organization.
- How belonging and the language around it look different around the world.

If you would like to start a conversation with Hasan about the incredible work that he does reach out at: [email protected]

- Defining values and value behaviors that resonate across cultures (
- The 10 Most Common Organizational Values, An Intercultural Examination (
- Four Keys for Building Trust on Teams (

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