Paul Mercer, serial entrepreneur and conqueror of personal medical and business challenges, sincerely believes that a large part of the secret in founding and growing a successful business lies in the thinking.  The crystalized vision, the strategy (both financial and operational), competitive and market strategy and planning; clear forward picture of what the business will look like in 5, 10 and more years into the future.

Growth then occurs through passion and the confidence to deliver.  Part of the secret sauce in his business is the education that the Portable Power Technology team provides to customers and prospects.  For large clients they have become an extension of the R&D or technical department having built deep loyalty, and endeavoring to continually enhance knowledge in the market.

Passion drives success for the entire team and the customers, and the confidence to deliver is founded in a good strategy, plans, cash availability, and fantastic people.  Each accomplishment or hurdle overcome builds confidence and enhanced competence to handle the next one, which in turn feeds resilience and injects infectious joy.

Seeing a potential future in community based energy storage and greener lifestyles, as well as ongoing explosion in portable power needs, Paul believes the future is exciting.  Solving the challenge of achieving greater energy storage to feed more powerful loads, employing new minerals for onboard storage without taking away from the range of the vehicle, and developing increasingly creative applications will continue to engage his niche and potential.

Tune in to hear about:

The reason the pain and panic bought by pandemic lockdown became business thrive.What is business growth really and why should it be different.How large customers provide growth without purchasing more of your products.How growth in revenue and profit can be maintained above an annualized 25% despite market circumstances.And more.

Mentioned in this episode:

Portable Power Technology website

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