Melanie McClare and her team at Swirltex are collaborating with customers to field test their portable tubular membrane filtration system with impressive success in some of the water that is the hardest to clean – airport runoff, tailings ponds, food & beverage waste, oil extraction wells, and more - the potential applications are numerous.

The service Swirltex delivers to customers is consistent high quality filtered water for reuse or water conservation purposes, removal of contaminants, ability to avoid disposal surcharges, increased dissolved oxygen concentration … and more.  All done with less energy consumption.

Melanie sees a bright future in cleantech’s impact on our ecosystem, especially if the processes can be expedited by adopting a community theme – big industries and companies working with small companies, industries enthusiastic to “find a better way” partnering with innovators exploring new approaches to challenges, and potentially technology from one application considered for use in another.

Tune in to hear about:

How unique tubular membrane water filtration can reduce both energy consumption and the water footprint, while also eliminating capital cost.How ESG investment and collaboration could expedite control of climate change and benefit society.How filtration system-as-a-service (SaaS) provides a techno economic solution to improve sustainability and ESG integration, including the benefit of processing onsite.And more.

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