Marina Phillips wants to honour mothers who have babies and toddlers, by providing one aspect of the village it takes to raise a child; in the process she has created a very successful business.  Prior to the pandemic Bébé Station was active in Ontario but the post Covid-19 model will be a significant expansion to encompass franchise opportunities available to other women across Canada, and possibly licensing in the USA.  Watch also for Bébé Station vending machines coming to malls and public places.  

A visionary who has successfully used logic to overcome challenges and roadblocks thrown her way, Marina encourages women entrepreneurs to be confident.  She suggests that “not all business is good business, not all money is good money, and not all customers are the right customers; be okay with that and believe in your ability and value.”  Decide if your business is a business or a hobby, use the appropriate mindset to achieve the success you desire.  If you are running a business, be sure to invest in appropriate professional services to promote and secure that quality and success, have a plan and strategy for making it work, and know what your alternative action will be if your objective is not achieved.

Tune in to hear about:

Marina’s personal Bébé Station accomplishment - it is not the growth or financial success.Canadians learning from the USA business discipline related to support, assistance, mindset, marketing, and “letting go”.Pursuing business when the founder’s heart is in it and she enjoys the fruits of her labour as well as the journey.The value and facilities families demand from event organizers.  And more.

Mentioned in this episode

Bébé Station website 

Instagram Bébéstation

Bébé Station vending machines on Instagram