Devin Durrant believes talent, drive and having the right coaching helped him to achieve his childhood dream of playing in the NBA.  But a year later he was cut and this was what allowed him to start his real life’s work - adding value to real estate, and lives.  

Well grounded, supported, challenged and encouraged in his youth provided a foundation to call on in order to reassess, stretch and grow through the difficult time.  He leaned on what was important and valued in his life, used values learned in athletics, and applied them in life.

His work has proved that by putting more focus and effort into your personal values, as they impact or intersect the people and things you value, you can create increasing delta to improve life and experience for all.  This v-effect is achieved using the simple process described during our conversation.

With multi-generational appeal, stories and applicability The Values Delta is interesting.

Tune in to hear about:

Why gratitude and optimism are values that work well together.What is a Values Delta.Two questions that create large impact in life.And more.

 Mentioned in this episode:

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