Why would a senior executive interpreter in American Sign language with Spanish and English want to leave and start a new career, as a single parent to small children, on the other side of the country?  Well, because she sees it as an opportunity, and because most people would not do that. Cici drove herself hard, burnt out a few times, and had to learn to plan personal activities and business tasks in her calendar, but still achieve what she set her mind to.

Through implementing her three step process of Identify, Influence, and Implement Cici now leads her teams, and coaches professionals and intrapreneurs to improve their own achievements, through mindset, productivity and performance.

Being an executive in travel and hospitality at an exciting time presented a new opportunity to participate on the taskforce to restart operations.  The down time during the global pandemic also instigated the start of writing her book and coaching business.  Cici feels strongly that when people work on what they are passionate about they grow more, and faster, but she also practices cross-training  of her team members to facilitate learning new skills and working as a tightknit family to achieve together.

She wants them all to achieve a balanced career and life. She teaches how to benefit by doing what others can’t, won’t or do not do.

Tune in to hear about:

Stories - what happened when she was working in China when the Covid-19 pandemic started.How to build loyal, high performing teams.The importance of respecting and following a well-balanced scheduler.Not settling for anything less than extraordinary.And more.

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