Welcome to Unlisted, a healthcare and/or culture newsletter and/or podcast.

On today’s episode, I chat with Stephanie Wierwille, VP of Content at ReviveHealth. It was recorded on July 7, 2020.

But first, a fair amount of work I helped with went live last week. Check it out:

For Clear Skye (identity governance and admin tech):

* About Us / Company Overview Page - This project was a lot of fun as I got to add some levity to a company’s story.

* Customer Success Stories (Gated)

For Healthify, two (2) blogs:

* How data sharing and interoperability will evolve after COVID-19

* Podcast Recap: Transforming SDoH services in the age of COVID-19

I would love to chat about any content projects you may have. Email me at [email protected].

Healthcare marketers are living in “The No Normal,” according to ReviveHealth.

Stephanie Wierwille, VP of Content at ReviveHealth, and I worked together during my time at Revive in Music City, USA. I always enjoyed discussing influencers and pondering life’s big questions with her, like how effective is snarky fast food Twitter marketing. I learned a lot from her and she was great to work with.

I wanted to speak with Stephanie about what she’s seeing in 2020 from a healthcare marketing perspective. We hit on a lot of topics including health inequity, digital transformation, and how healthcare organizations are adapting to messaging as the COVID-19 pandemic affects their communities and finances.

We also talk about the Facebook boycott and how marketers are discussing the movement. I mention a A Media Operator essay about the subject wherein I butcher Jacob’s analysis. Apologies all around but it’s worth a read.

Substack isn’t the only place you can find this podcast:

Apple Podcasts



I would love to hear feedback on these episodes and the newsletter in general. Are you enjoying it? Any guests or topics you’d like to hear about? I’m all ears. [email protected].

Thanks for listening and see you next time.

This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit magnetcoilmedia.substack.com