Unlimited Bride with Nicole Brandon and guest Luann Buechler

Topic: Ignite Your Passion - Live Your Dreams

Description: Passionate about everything she does. Luann uses her unique personality and experiences to relate to the audience in delivering passionate presentations that inspire people to achieve the success they desire in business and in life. As a Certified Facilitator of The Passion Test, Luann shares with audiences a simply yet powerful system (Saving Your Self Time Energy & Money) to determine your true passions and set a course to living your life’s destiny. As a director for BNI (Business Network International), Luann has built a repertoire of presentations on networking skills and relationship marketing which she uniquely relates to delivering high quality customer service. Caring is the ultimate competitive advantage. LuAnn has unique ability to capture the audience with her passionate, energetic personality. For testimonials from past participants visit www.pmcevents.com/testimonials.

Luann is also a part of the Transformational Leadership Council working team. An organization created by Jack Canfield, best-selling author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, where transformational leaders share best practices and co-create humanitarian projects to transform the world.


Tags: #relationships #relationship #unity #Mission #unity #vision #success #successcoaching #joy #joyfulliving #happiness #passionate #passiontest #marriage #passion #love #romance #romantic #luannbuechler