Welcome to unlikely leadership. Today we're going to talk to Sean Goode. And this is part two of an ongoing conversation. Sean is the executive director of Choose180. It's an organization that introduces youth and young adults to opportunities to collaborate with institutional leaders and help them avoid engaging with criminal justice system and instead realize the potential to lead long, successful and fulfilling lives. It's a very powerful mission that this organization has. And Sean is also a new host. In the amplify voices family, we're going to be collaborating, collaborating and producing a podcast for Sean where he will be talking with educators, parents and young people, a very important triad in life to to have successful relationships and work through problems. It's a podcast called possibility over problems. So let's get started and let's go into the next conversation. Please stay tuned after the guest discussion for skill highlights. www.AmplifyVoices.io About our guest: Sean Goode is the executive director of Choose180, and the definition of an intentional leader. Both of his parents struggled with mental health issues, and his brother was sent to prison when Sean was only six. Along with dealing with those issues, he struggled with a lack of stability as he moved to twelve different places during twelve years of school. Despite all of those struggles, Sean was able to break the stereotype and dedicate himself to being everything others thought he couldn’t. Today, Sean transforms the lives of kids by steering them clear of the traditional school-to-prison pipeline. He provides them with a sense of community rather than shame and imprisonment. Outside of his work, Sean’s a family man at heart. He has a wife who he considers his best friend and children of his own that he’s raising.