On this episode of the RISING KINGS Podcast, we're talking about why it's important for men to start working on themselves before they hit a new chapter in their lives.

Mike is turning 40 in a couple of weeks, and he's getting really uncomfortable. But I know he's not just thinking about turning 40—he's thinking about 45, 50, and beyond. He's asking himself questions like : What's life going to be like for me? What am I going to be doing? How will I be operating? Will I still have energy? Will my body still work like it used to?

And what about all the other guys out there? Are they worried about ageing too? Or are they just trying to get through the next few years without any major health problems or other major changes in their life situation? And if they are worried, how do they deal with those feelings—do they just push them aside and hope for the best, or do they take action by taking care of themselves now so that when those times come around, they'll be ready for them?

We'll talk about all these questions on this episode of the RISING KINGS Podcast.

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