Previous Episode: Saying YES to YOU!
Next Episode: The Power Of Commitment


When I was 12 I remember walking into a dinner theatre place, {empty} resume in hand, ready to apply for a position.

I was an aspiring performer and I wanted to be able to study professional actors — my 12 yr old brain thought for sure that meant cleaning tables, and serving high class folk coffee.

They had the manager COME OUT to talk to me because I was underage to work at the time without a guardian present.

I told them It was a week before my bday, and I wanted the job BAD.

I had no car, I was just going into high school and I was 120% sure I was going to be known world wide (still know ;) )

I even took extra shifts setting tables so I could watch the tech rehearsal.

The thing is: This was all I had to plug into at the time to pursue my dream, I didn’t know better.

My family was a football family, my parents ran two businesses, and here’s their daughter at 8 years old asking for an agent so she can apply to be on the Disney channel, and begging her mom at 13 to drive her to work on the weekends because she wanted to study how to be ‘professional’ in the theatre scene and hopefully get to know people.

Not to mention I was also the kid who had her monologue as Lady M stashed behind the racks at her retail job at 17 so when she was in the fitting rooms, she could practice her scansion.

I was never one to wait my turn — actually I don’t believe that’s even a thing.

I didn’t sit around and wait to be picked for casting. I auditioned for shows and when I wasn’t cast, I beefed up my resume with student work, collaborations, and by spending my nights at the university until 11 pm at rehearsals for multiple shows.

Now, I don’t wait for no-body still.

When I wasn’t picked to speak on podcasts I applied for, I built my own.

When I had a local company never get back to me on running a workshop, I created my own.

I have a desire to speak at retreats all around the world, it’s happening, but for now, I am hosting my own in April.

You don’t have to wait your turn. Ever.

You don’t have to hover around the platform, waiting to take your thrown.

Build your own damn thrown.

> Claim. What’s. Yours. Right. Now. <

Stop waiting to be supported & support yourself.

You are brave enough
You are strong enough
You are powerful enough

If someone doesn’t hand you the Mic, go out and build your own stage.

>> if you apply to teach a workshop and you don’t get a yes — build your own.

>> don’t get called to speak on that podcast — build your own.

>> if you desire to speak at a retreat — host your own.

>> if you want to create a program — MAKE. IT. HAPPEN.

Never. EVER. Wait For someone to hand you what you want, it’s time to go out and claim it.