If the answer is YES & NO to the above questions then you have come to the right place to get some answers. Here are some facts on people and their dissatisfaction with their jobs. “Nearly 70% of people hate their jobs”, according to Gallup Survey. Her is another shocking news,“Most 80% of people according to Deloitte’s Shift Index survey -- are dissatisfied with their jobs.”     John Demartini said "Work can be a drudge, a dream or anything in between. Like everything else in your life,  we determine exactly what it’s going to be. If you’re waking up each morning on fire, feeling called to great service and devoted to an inspiring purpose, vision, and mission, no doubt you feel as if work isn’t work at all: It’s a kind of play with monetary benefits. On the other hand, if you turn back the covers each morning and groan, ‘Oh man, I wish I could just stay in bed,’ and dread your 8am-to-5pm (or whatever hours you keep) work, then surely you feel as if your job is a burden."    I recommend to take a couple of different assessments I mention in the podcast to take in order to see what job and position you will be best fit for. Also if someone says to you that you are so good with xyz…you should lean in and dig deeper because there is something there for you to discover in terms of an ideal job and career.