Today’s guest is Laura B. Whitmore. She is a singer/songwriter, music marketer, event producer, and founder of the Women’s International Music Network AKA WIMN, as well as the She Rocks Awards, both of which focus on bringing together and honoring women from all facets of the music industry. Laura fell in love with music at a young age and always kept the dream of pursuing it on her heart. Studying business and music in college, Laure earned a B.S. in Music Merchandising and she started her music marketing career right away...Going from a company called Korg, then transitioning to create her own PR and Marketing firm and finally ending up as the senior Vice President for Positive Grid, which is a musical instrument and software company. During her entire professional career, she always remained an artist-putting out music continuously, whole time she kept her passion for songwriting alive, continuously putting out music, she also became a music journalist and interviewed musicians at places like Parade and Guitar World, as well as all her advocacy work to empower and bring together women in music with WIMN and the She Rocks Awards.

From Today's Chat, You'll Learn:

How to balance multiple passions 
How to avoid negativity bias in your creativity
How to authentic and effective networking
How to market yourself and your business
The best way to choose a path when you have many different options
Why it’s okay to step away from your art for a while 
How to micro-dose courage.
How to have an open mindset and be willing to learn
What your “Big Three’s” are and how to adapt with them through your everyday life
How to come into an experience with the question “can I learn?” other than “what can you give me?”
How to build self-trust

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