Today, as I was writing my new book, I turned on cable news to see Senator Tim Scott @SenatorTimScott on the "daily briefing "with Dana Perino @DanaPerino. I turned up the volume to hear with Senator Tim Scott had to say, and it touched me deeply. I'm an emotional guy, and Senator Scott's message really touched my very core!

Senator Scott told a story about how his mother raised him and his brother. His message is that the REAL difference-maker is about the importance of education and imagination. He also emphasized what his mother taught from an early age, "If we blame everyone else for where we are, we never get to move forward." Powerful!

I then share a quick video of Nazi concentration camp survivor, Victor Frankel. This should be the primary message that will create lasting change and increase personal fulfillment: "Reach for the stars and improve your mindset." This is the only sure way to create the future we all want. Stop blaming!

Thank you to Senator Tim Scott's mother for teaching her children a true and universal principle. Thank you to all parents, teachers, and leaders who inspire us to stretch beyond what we believe is possible, and shun a "victim" mindset. Adopting a victor and abundance mindset is the only sustainable way forward that elevates all individuals, families, homes, schools, churches, communities, and a nation.

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