I invite guests to share personal stories about acts of leadership that help shape their lives.

In Episode 33, Ed Muzio shares a story from early in his career, talks about an executive team’s challenge, and advises how we can improve our team meetings.

00:00 Prologue: An Engineer Who Thinks Systemically

Ed Muzio is an engineer who evolved his practice to management consulting. Whether at the c-suite or frontline, Ed helps teams learn to adapt and think systemically and iteratively. Ed also wrote the forward to the Nine Practices of 21st Century Leadership book.

03:00 Part 1: Circle the Drain / Teach and Learn

What happens when you are new to an organization, attend a meeting, and disagree with the decisions being made? Do you speak up? Ed shares a story from early in his career and the advice that someone gave him.

11:00 Part 2: Being Strategic as a Tactic

Being an executive is more challenging than the role appears. With organizational growth and constant change, executives and managers need to balance being tactical with being adaptive at all levels. Ed describes how he helped a team of executives become more effective in their function.

19:59 Part 3: Status Game versus Future Focused

Ed explains how we can strengthen our team meeting results with some straightforward or forward-thinking advice.


How You Can Support the Show

Unlabeled Leadership is a free service for people to learn about leadership. If you want to support the show, you can make a $0.99 donation. Your support reduces production expenses. https://anchor.fm/unlabeled-leadership/support

No transcript available (future enhancement)

Episode links

Ed’s LinkedIn Profile

Ed’s website: Group Harmonics

Ed’s Books


  Make Work Great

  Four Secrets to Liking Your Work

Video example of Ed at a whiteboard: The Five Key Practices for Running an Iterative Management Team

Gary DePaul's website 

Gary’s books:

  What the Heck Is Leadership and Why Should I Care?

  Nine Practices of 21st Century Leadership 

Background Music

You can find all the musical tracks at Envato Elements.

00:00 Theme music: Inspiring Uplifting Corporate by mixer_drummer

02:35 Relaxed Piano & Acoustic Guitar by pinkzebra

10:41 Jazz by gilv

19:40 Hopeful Marimba & Piano Background by pinkzebra

26:11 Fun and Flirtyby BrownHouseMedia

Lead on!