The spirit of Star Trek has seen the franchise reinvented, revisited, and even rebooted, for more than 50 years — but of all its incarnations, perhaps none is so maligned as “Enterprise”. Pete Mele joins Antony to defend Captain Archer from threats on all sides.

Antony Johnston with Pete Mele.

The spirit of Star Trek has seen the franchise reinvented, revisited, and even rebooted, for more than 50 years — but of all its incarnations, perhaps none is so maligned as “Enterprise”. Pete Mele joins Antony to defend Captain Archer from threats on all sides.

"Star Trek: Enterprise"

Antony Johnston with Pete Mele

Referenced Works

Star Trek: Enterprise


Show Notes & Links

"Star Trek: Enterprise"

Random Trek #50: “Equilibrium” with Antony Johnston

Listen to Antony talk more Trek with Scott McNulty on Random Trek

Unjustly Maligned #1: "Stargate SG-1"

Hear Antony and Jason Snell talk pre- and post-BSG TV sci-fi on the very first episode

The "Mission Log" Star Trek podcast