After making Batman palatable to the mainstream again with the first movie, Tim Burton’s sequel “Batman Returns” went all-in with his signature fairytale gothic style. Michael Molcher joins Antony to explain why it totally works, and disses the Nolan Batverse along the way. Happy new year!

Antony Johnston with Michael Molcher.

After making Batman palatable to the mainstream again with the first movie, Tim Burton’s sequel “Batman Returns” went all-in with his signature fairytale gothic style. Michael Molcher joins Antony to explain why it totally works, and disses the Nolan Batverse along the way. Happy new year!

"Batman Returns"

Antony Johnston with Michael Molcher

Referenced Works

Batman Returns

Batman films

Show Notes & Links

"Batman Returns"

"The Incomparable 334: Three Pillars of Batman"

Wherein “Batman Returns” is maligned