When you have a contrasty situation are you asking, what should I do? or maybe what's the right thing to do? or what's not right with me? or what's not right about them?
What if in those moments we started to ask, what would love do? (HINT: Allow YOU to shift, allows others to shift)HOW CAN I?

When we interact with others (or not) take a moment and ask yourself, what would love do? When we allow ourselves to come from a place of love, we can shift our perspective and shift ourselves and everything shifts. 

Join Universal Energy Radio founder and co-creator, Anna Banguilan, as she shares her perspective on navigating through contrast using this very question. Real life situations, real life solutions.

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We ALL have choices, which ones are YOU making? How IS that choice serving you!!!

Call in 718-664-9124, during the LIVE show 8:30 am- 10:00 am. Join the conversation!!

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