What a summer this has been...how are you going?  For myself, June and July were intense, energetically.  Right before Memorial Day weekend, I experienced a being of Light in my room -- in retrospect, that event "kicked" things off, and the theme for me has been heightened awareness of the aligned life and reality I am creating, with more recognition of how I sabotage my creativity.  

This is how those more challenging moments help me to be aware of the ways I continue to hold myself in bondage, and how I can choose to free myself!

I have arrived at a keener awareness of the value of the feeling faculty. Thinking is valuable also, however, in any given day we are under the influence of different factors. As children of The Most High, as expressions of Source in and into the material world, our true nature is Well-Being. When our attention, our thoughts, our minds are under the influence of Source, The Creator, The Truth, we feel good -- calm, peaceful, happy, optimistic, hopeful, compassionate, loving, faithful, kind (fill in the blank). When our attention is on things that are not completely within our control -- others' behavior, frustrating circumstances, this year's pandemic and ensuing uncertainty and insecurity, the U.S. political and cultural upheaval (not to mention the November election) -- we feel any number of uncomfortable emotions, from despair to frustration, anger, judgement, criticism, dissatisfaction (fill in the blank).  Then we are under the influence of what would be called "The Enemy."  Our feelings let us know when we are out of alignment. If we will train ourselves to honor and value our emotions, we will align with our True Identity more of the time, and flow that Well-Being that is the truth of who we are.




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