Hosts: Isaac Adams & Trillia Newbell

Overview: “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.” (Romans 13:9)

In this episode, Trillia and Isaac talk and pray about the goal of racial reconciliation. Why is it helpful or unhelpful? What isn’t the goal of racial reconciliation? Join us in prayer. And as you do, consider what we suggest the goal of reconciliation is:

NOT THIS: We begin this episode by focusing on the fact that the goal of reconciliation is not merely appeasing minorities or showing off apparent diversity like a college brochure would. As Dr. Jarvis Williams suggests, “Many Christians equate racial diversity with racial reconciliation, so they conclude that if diversity is present than reconciliation is as well.” There’s an important implication of this point: it means that reconciliation can hardly have a metric put on it. It’s messy, it’s relational, and people know when you’re faking it. Instead of a quick, one-time fix, reconciliation is al lifestyle, not an event as civil rights activist John Perkins said. 

BUT THAT: What do we mean, then, by reconciliation? We mean genuine love for the “other” — a 1 Corinthians 13 love that sparks Philippians 2 service. A love that transforms the conversation and the pursuit of one another. 

Links & Show Notes:

1. Matt Hall’s United? We Pray Episode Season 1 episode referenced in the episode!

2. One New Man Book by Dr. Jarvis Williams

3. Divided by Faith Book by Michael Emmerson and Christian Smith, which contains a review 

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Recorded and produced by Karl Magnuson
Graphic design by Rob Alvey

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