
“Rest in God alone, my soul,
for my hope comes from him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
my stronghold; I will not be shaken.
My salvation and glory depend on God, my strong rock.
My refuge is in God.

Trust in him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts before him.
God is our refuge. Selah."

-Psalm 62:5-8 (CSB)

Some conversations, especially those had over a long period of time, are really hard. They tax us. Recognizing our need for rest is part of what it means to acknowledge that we are creatures and God is our Creator. He made us with limitations and it honors Him when we acknowledge them. Austin and Isaac talk about what it looks like to rest, when we need it, and even what can happen when we don’t. We hope you are encouraged.

Links & Show Notes:

Isaac’s article on things to consider before asking a minority friend about race

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Produced by Josh Deng with editing by Roshane Ricketts.

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