“Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.” (Psalm 32:1)
Despite division over their alma maters, Thabiti Anyabwile and Isaac Adams come together to talk about hope and its importance for the work of racial reconciliation. The brothers considered these questions:• What do you do when the race conversation feels as if it’s moving backward rather than forward?
• What do you do when you’re in a season of unbelief about racial reconciliation in your church?
• Why did you issue that apology? Why is pride deadly to unity?
• How are you trying to not just talk racism down but to live it down? How are you encouraging your church to do this work?
• How has there been progress in terms of racial reconciliation?
• What encouragements for the coming generations do you have as they think about race?