Hosts: Isaac Adams & Trillia Newbell

Overview: Colorblindness is the theory that if we ignore race, then racial problems will eventually cease. Is this term and theory helpful or unhelpful. Why or why not? How is it present in our culture, and how is it present in our churches? Join Isaac Adams and Trillia Newbell as they discuss colorblindness and why the idea keeps appearing in Christian conversations about race? 

In this conversation, Trillia and Isaac discuss how colorblindness has been embedded in popular culture and why it leads some folks to say things like, “I don’t see you as my black friend; I just see you as my friend.” A phrase like this might be said with the best of intentions to love that other person, but may ultimately reflect a zeal not according to knowledge. 

Being colorblind prevents us from being able to fully weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. One of the glorious aspects of God is that he has made us to depict his beauty, and no one person or ethnicity can do that fully. Instead, we can celebrate and embrace our diversity as a part of God’s good idea and design. Praise God, and enjoy this episode! 

Links & Show Notes:

1. Galatians 3:28 Does NOT Encourage Color-blind Christianity! by Jarvis Williams

2. 4 Reasons You Shouldn’t be Colorblind by Trillia Newbell

3. Don’t Be Colorblind at Church by Isaac Adams

4. I Don’t See You as a Black Friend by Garrett Kell

5. Disunity in Christ by Christena Cleveland. Cleveland has a section, “Should We All Be Colorblind?” starting on p. 186.

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Recorded and produced by Karl Magnuson
Graphic design by Rob Alvey

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