Scott T. Barnes is the Writers of the Future Award-winning author and published in L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 28. He is the author of the forthcoming Memories of Lucinda Eco and short fiction such as “Insect Sculptor,” “The Mark of Blackfriar Street,” and “The Last Job.” Publisher’s Weekly describes his work as “lyrical.” He lives in California with his wife and two daughters who inspire him more than they know.

The anthology Cosmic Muse was just released by Scott's publishing company, New Myths Publishing. It features his short story "A Galaxy of Cranks," a sci-fi mystery, and other stories by NewMyths magazine contributors.

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His first novel, a YA fantasy set in Baja California, will be released by New Myths Publishing on September 17, 2024. Lauren Kate, author of the Fallen series, mentored this project.

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