Provoking can mean many things; when it come to spirits, or anything really, some paranormal investigators provoke the entity that they are trying to connect with. Is this a good practice? Is it respectful of the beings that you are trying to get answers from? What about horror movies that provoke? There are many stories from actors and workers on paranormal sets that have had various unexplained issues during and after production. So, what about military reenactments from battles in history? Is it respectful of the lands where people perished in war to have people play acting out the battle over and over again? We will talk about some of these play actors and the haunting experiences that they have had on and off of the battlefield. I will share some of my experiences in the field when we had to provoke, also when it was done by the occupant of a business unknowingly, and it caused a violent reaction. Tonight on Discovery Paranormal, we will discuss provoking!