Tara was born in Toronto, Canada. She grew up in a middle class family. Both her family worked and both her and her brother grew up well off. Before her teen years her family moved. Her life was wonderful until she was in her teens. Tara had a hard life from 14 to 18 years old. When she was 14, her and her friend were abducted by 2 men, sex traffickers. In order to subdue the girls they drugged them with cocaine. She unfortunately never saw her friend again. She would try run away as many times as possible. Also, during this time her mother was in a horrible car accident that caused mental and physical trauma.At 16 she ended up almost being murdered by one of the men that were trafficking her. She ended up escaping and running home. She hadn’t ever told anyone about what happened. This was a pivotal point in her life that led her on a new journey.Through her teen and young adult years, she tried to commit suicide about 18 times.In her early 20s she met a young man that she felt was “the one”, but this ended up to be a terrible relationship for her. She ended up having 3 children with him and was married for 11 years. Towards the end she finally had to leave. She moved back in with her parents at the age of 33 which was a humiliating thing for her. After his she went to many doctors to help her cope. After much time and hard work, she is now able to forgive and appreciate all the bad things that happened to her in her life. Now she is working to help other people to find this foundation of self-love that she was able to find.