Today we will be broaching a subject that might make you uncomfortable--the relationship between alcohol and cancer. The reason for this discussion is personal; I was diagnosed with breast cancer this October. The causes of breast cancer are debated, but it is pretty clear that alcohol does not help. So how do I continue a life now devoted to wine? What is a suitable balance between my passion and its risks? The opinions of doctors vary considerably on the subject.  

Today, I welcome Amy Christine, Master of Wine, owner of Holus Bolus winery, and sales representative in Los Angeles for Kermit Lynch. Amy wrote an insightful and personal article about her journey with breast cancer, which is included in the episode’s notes.  We are joined by Pat Farrell, Master of Wine and Doctor of Medicine. Our conversation will highlight some research on the causes of certain cancers, including alcohol.  

Please be aware that what we discuss is for informational purposes only. Everyone is different, everyone’s family history is different, it is important that you consult your own doctor for medical advice.  

Amy's article:

Instagram: @holusboluswine @acloveswine
