Life hacks to. Out create fuckwit narcissists in case any of you are new to the show or some of you might even realize or ask, why do I say fuck a lot?
Cause when I was little, that was not an okay word to say. And I am all about not just saying. Not just saying things that weren't okay to save it by claiming words as your own and fuck is such a delicious. Really lovely word works in so many ways in that lends itself to the word. On fuck with a ball.
Which ah, doesn't that sound juicy? Doesn't that sound like? Yeah, I'll have some of that. The art of being unfuck with a ball. And so a step in that direction is a life hack to out create fuckwit, narcissist. Maybe some of the rest of you have been blessed with putting a lot of narcissists around you, maybe your marriage.