Move and Groove:  Rediscovering the Fun in Fitness

What is the first thing you think of when you think of your Body?   Beautiful? Bodacious? Succulent? Fat? Tired? Pain? I’m lovin’ it?

Great.   Acknowledge whatever that is.  

Now, think back to a time when you were younger, when you were a little kid and you jumped and danced and ran and skipped and hopped and played.   You were such a little joy bomb and you didn’t have to think about how much you needed to move your body in order to meet your goals – you just did it.   You explored, you played with friends or by yourself.

It wasn’t about crushing it at the gym – it was about just being.  

Let’s put the fun back into your relationship with your body as you move, drink, nourish, rest, relax, recharge, move again.   You are not stagnant.   Your body is always in flow.  

How much fun are you willing to experience changing the narrative between your brain and your body?

You are Fit, Firm and Fabulous.    Enjoy!!

Go to to get your free Adventuress Playbook today and embrace your awesomeness.

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